Categories: Types of Braces

What Foods Are Off-Limits During Braces Treatment?

Treatment with braces can improve your oral health and help you smile with more confidence. However, there are important instructions to follow for treatment to be safe and effective. Among these instructions is important information on foods to avoid during treatment, as they can be damaging to your braces and your teeth.  

The worst foods for teeth

According to Healthline, many foods and beverages can cause plaque, which does serious damage to your teeth. A list of some of the worst foods you can eat, whether or not you have braces, includes candy, bread, potato chips, citrus fruits, and dried fruits. Below are some of the most common teeth straightening options, along with foods you will want to avoid during treatment.

What foods are off-limits during braces treatment?

Depending on the type of braces you choose, you will have to make adjustments to your diet. Read on to learn more about foods to avoid with traditional braces, lingual braces, and clear aligners.

Traditional braces

Traditional braces are the type of braces with which most people are familiar. Traditional braces can include metal brackets and wires, or patients can choose to have clear brackets and wires instead if they want to be more discreet. A list of foods that are off-limits during traditional braces treatment includes chewy foods like bagels, crunchy foods like popcorn, sticky and sugary foods like caramel, and hard foods like corn on the cob.

Lingual braces

Unlike traditional braces, the brackets and wires for lingual braces are attached to the back or lingual side of the teeth. Patients who do not want it to be obvious that they are wearing braces may opt for this type of treatment. Many of the same foods off limits with traditional braces should be avoided when wearing lingual braces as well. Foods to avoid while wearing lingual braces include hard foods like carrots and apples, chewy foods like beef jerky and crusty bread, and sugary foods like candy. It is also important to note that it may be harder to see if you have food stuck in your teeth while wearing lingual braces. 

Clear aligners

Many dental patients are choosing clear aligners as their treatment of choice. This teeth-straightening option offers benefits that other options do not, chiefly the ability to remove them when consuming foods and drinks. This option offers the most dietary freedom. However, patients should still avoid foods that are not dental friendly and make sure no food is stuck to the teeth when they put the aligners back on. When it comes to drinking while the clear aligners are in the mouth, wearers should only drink water as other drink choices will stain the aligners. Another important thing to note is that clear aligners must be worn no less than 22 hours a day to produce the desired results. Therefore, even though they can be taken out, patients should wear them as much as possible. 

Do you have any questions for us?

When it comes to teeth straightening, now more than ever, you have choices. However, it is crucial to understand how to take care of your teeth and what foods to avoid while undergoing treatment with braces or other teeth straightening treatments. Following food guidelines is an important part of the health of your teeth and the success of braces. 

Are you considering getting braces in the Woburn area? Get more information at

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